Pilates and its benefits
- Pilates is a whole body workout
- Holistic approach to exercise, stimulating mind, body and soul
- Pilates aids body awareness, mental focus, good posture and a balanced body. This can be achieved with patience and practice
- Pilates can strengthen muscles to help support joints throughout the whole body
- Pilates can also assist in the following:
- Gain flexibility
- Improve coordination
- Aid relaxation
- Relieve stress
- Pilates is a safe, effective and efficient form of exercise
- It can be a great warm up programme should you go on to partake in more strenuous or demanding activities
- Pilates can be beneficial to men and women regardless of age and fitness
Pilates Principles:
- Breathing
- Concentration
- Centering
- Alignment of body
- Precision
- Control
- Flow of movement
- Relaxation
- Pilates can be taught in a group or as a 1:1 session
- Group classes usually have approximately 12 clients per session
- Pilates mat work classes are usually performed lying down so to not place unnecessary stress on the joints.
- Adaptations/modifications can be made and exercises can be performed sitting on a chair/exercise ball or standing
- Each exercises can be altered to suit the individual needs of the client
- Classes normally last around 1 hour
- Small equipment can be incorporated into the class programme, some you may have already heard of or used:
- Physio bands/overballs/gym balls/magic circles/foam rollers
Pregnancy, ante and post natal
- Pilates is also suited to ante- and post natal women
- Pilates assists with the following:
- General fitness including/physical – incorporating the mothers changing body/emotional/psychological
- Classes maybe smaller than general group sessions
- Apparatus may also be introduced to the class format
- It is advisable to check with your GP before taking up Pilates as with any form of exercise
- It is important to advise the teacher of any medical conditions prior to exercise.
- Should you have a medical condition it would be helpful to bring with you a letter about the condition
- If you are pregnant or have recently had a baby please let the teacher know